Salesforce Admin Interview Questions 5

List out the field Data types of custom Object?

Numeric Field data Types:




Calendar data types :



Limited Option Data types:




Text Data types :


Text Area - 255

Text Area(Long) - 131,072

Text Area(Rich) - 131,072


Formatted Text Data types:




Limit of Custom fields per object?



What is API name?

API name is unique name for Object, field etc.

Difference between Description and Help text fields?

Description is used to provide extra information about the field. It won’t be visible on                 App or UI.

Help text is used to show a tooltip about a field on UI or Detail Page.

What is Auto Number type?

  •  It is a read only field.
  •  It generated automatically in sequence in the defined format.  

  • It will be edited only at the time of creation.
  • While creating Auto Number we have one checkbox called Generate Auto Number for existing records. If we check that checkbox then it will generate number for existing records also.
  • Auto Number Format like A-{00000}

What is Record Name field?

It is a standard field of Text or Auto Number

It is a required if it is text type

It is a read only if it is in auto Number

When user clicks on this field, it redirects to detail page of the record.

How to restrict a custom text field to accept duplicate value?

Enable the attribute 'Unique' in field edit page.

How many ways to make a field to be required declaratively?

1.Enable required option in field edit page

2.Enable required option in page layout

3.Validation rules

How to rename the standard fields of standard object?

Cannot be possible.

What are system fields?

In Sales force, system fields are predefined fields that are automatically created for each record in an object

Created Date

Last Modified Date

Created By

Last Modified By



Id (Record Id)

What is the Use of "System Fields"?

These fields can be used to track the history of a record and to provide important metadata about it. 

They cannot be deleted or modified, but they can be hidden or made read-only.

->Record tracking

->Record ownership

->Record identification

->Data auditing

->Data validation

->Reporting and analysis

Overall, system fields provide valuable information about records in Sales force and play an important role in maintaining the integrity and accuracy of data.

What type of operations we can perform on the system fields?

Viewing: You can view the values of system fields in record detail pages, list views, reports, and dashboards.

Searching: You can search for records based on their system field values.

Filtering: You can use system fields to filter records in list views, reports, and dashboards.

Sorting: You can sort records based on their system field values in list views, reports, and dashboards.

Grouping: You can group records based on their system field values in reports and dashboards.

Calculation: You can use system fields in formula fields, custom fields, and calculated fields to perform calculations based on their values.

What is the use of Search bar available on top?

On the setup page it searches for anything available under setup.

On the App page search records for particular object.

What is Record Id?

It is unique for each record. When we view a record then its record id can be visible in the URL.

What is the difference between 15 characters ID and 18 Character ID?

15-character IDs: These are the original IDs used by Sales force to identify records. They are short and consist of a combination of letters and numbers.

18-character IDs: These IDs are longer than 15-character IDs and include additional information such as the object type code and the Sales force instance where the record was created.

Difference between 15 and 18 digit ID's in sales force?

15 digit - This ID from URL

this is case sensitive

this is your are using with in sales force will use this ID

18 digit - this ID from Data Loader Export

this will be case in sensitive it won't check

Whenever we are working with another platforms, then some of them are Case in sensitive. So sales force has given two ID' sales force whenever coding CASESAFEID() is used to get 18 digit id from 15 digit id.

What does the first three characters in the ID indicate?

The first three characters in a Sales force 18-character record ID indicate the object type code of the record

ex: If the first three characters of an ID are "001", it indicates that the record is an Account. 

If the first three characters are "003", it indicates that the record is a Contact.

What does the last four characters in the ID indicate?

The last four characters in a Sales force ID indicate the record type

What is the difference between SystemModstamp and Last Modified Date?

  • SystemModstamp : It does reflect changes made to the record through work flows, ownership changes, or updates made by the system.
  • Last Modified Date : only captures changes made to the data in a record. 
  • It does not reflect changes made to the record through work flows, ownership changes, or updates made by the system.

Can we create phone field with Phone as well as text data type?


Do we have to define length for text field as it already has length as 255?


Can we add radio button for gender (male , female)?

No, Use picklist field for this.

Can we restrict picklist values based on user? or can we show picklist particular values to particular user??

No. We can restrict them based on Record Type

Limits for Custom Picklists?

Custom single-select picklists limits:

Up to 1,000 values.

Up to 255 characters per value.

Custom multi-select picklists limits:

Up to 500 values.

Up to 255 characters per value.

Users can select up to 100 values at a time on a record.

What is Global pick list in Sales force?

A Global Picklist in Sales force is a picklist field that can be used in multiple objects and multiple record types


Consistent data

Centralized management

Easier to update

Reduced administration

Can we attach document as well in rich text?

No. Use Notes & Attachment related list for this purpose.

What is the use of restricted value?

We cannot have picklist values other than specified while performing data load operations

Can you change any picklist value on standard object?

Yes we can add new values.

Can we recover any deleted field ?

Yes, Under each object there is deleted field button available from their you can recover or permanently delete.

What is the difference between created by and owner?

Created By - Who created first record. But can't able to change this field

Owner - captures the current owner of a record. can be changed to reassign the record to a different user.

How many ways provide Field access?

By using profile,

By using permission set

By using Page page layout

By using Field set

How many ways can we able to create field?

By using schema builder

By Using in Standard process

How Many Ways we can make Field required?

While creating field in object

Through page layouts

Through Validation Rules

Can we change the data type from Text to Auto Number for the Name when we already have?

Yes, it is possible

What are Text Encrypted fields?

Text Encrypted fields in Sales force are a type of custom field that can store sensitive information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card numbers.

Can we use text encrypted fields in the filter conditions and formulas?


Can we write Validation rules on text encrypted fields?


Can we search data based on the text encrypted fields?


Do we need the permission to modify the encrypted fields?

yes we can do

Can we insert pick list values through data loader in sales force?

Yes it is Possible, but after inserted those values need to be activate, default it will inactive.

Can we deploy the text encrypted fields from sandbox to production?

Yes we can able to deploy

What is Field Set in sales force?

It is Collection of fields. It control the layout of record detail pages and define the data that is available to display in Visual force pages, Lightning pages, and other components.

Field sets provide a way to group and reuse fields across multiple pages and use cases, making it easier to manage changes to the fields that are displayed.

What are the Read only fields in sales force?

Auto Number

Roll up Summary field

Formula field

What is Indexed fields in sales force?

Indexing a field means creating a database index on that field to speed up queries and search performance.

By default, Sales force automatically indexes certain fields, but administrators can also manually index custom fields to improve query performance.

Indexed fields can improve the performance of reports, list views, and other database operations that involve searching and filtering data

What are Indexed fields in sales force?

ID fields (e.g. Account ID, Contact ID, Opportunity ID, etc.)

Foreign key fields (e.g. Account ID on the Contact object)

Name and Owner fields

Lookup relationship fields

Custom fields marked as unique

Date and Date/Time fields used in filter criteria or sort order

What are external ID fields?

Number, Auto Number, email and text Fields. It will be used to reference an Id from another, external system.

External Id's are search able in sales force and you can also use the Upsert API call with the external id refers to records when making changes via Data Loader

For Which data types we can enable External ID?



Auto Number


Only above mentioned fields only available for this External Id Option.

In the related List how many fields we can able to add?

We can add 10 fields 

What are the standard fields that created automatically when you create custom object?

Record Name


Created BY

Modified BY

What is the importance of OWNER field?

Only owner can delete the record.

Only owner can share the record to other user.

Is it possible to change the owner field?


What is Controlling field?

The value of this field controls the value of the dependent field.

Standard or custom picklist less than 300 values and any check box fields

Which field types can be controlling field?

Picklist & Checkbox of both standard and custom

Which field types can be dependent field?

Picklist & MultiPicklist of Custom type

What are the possibilities to customize the standard Fields?

i. Rename the labels

ii. Add help text

iii. Add picklist values

What is Dependent Field?

The value of this field depends on the value of the controlling field.



What are the indexed fields in Sales force?

When a field is indexed, it's store values more efficient data structure. This is taking more space but improves performance when at least two filters with indexed fields are used in a query.

Primary keys: ID, Name, Owner, Email

Standard Indexed fields: RecordTypeId



SystemModstamp (LastModifiedDate)


Email (for contacts and leads)

Foreign key relationships (lookups and master detail)

The unique Sales force record ID, which is the primary key for each object

Custom Indexed fields: Auto Number




How Many fields (columns) can be displayed on a customizable Related List?

10 fields

Go to Object Manager ⇨ open any Object and Open Page layout ⇨ select Related List and  and go to related List Properties add which fields you want to display.

How many other fields may a Custom lead field be mapped to when converting a lead?

3 Custom Fields Account, Contact, opportunity

Searches and Filters that takes a long time may be canceled?


You can map a custom lead field to only ones of the following Objects at a single instance?

Account, Contact, Opportunity

How Many fields We want to set up tracking per Object?

You can select a combination of up to 20 standard and custom fields per object

In field History Tracking Which fields can  not able to track?


roll-up summary

auto-number fields, Created By and Last Modified By

Fields that have the AI Prediction check box selected

Expected Revenue field on opportunities

Note: Field history tracking data and Field Audit Trail data don’t count against your data storage limits

In Each section how many columns we can set up fields?

Two Only By using admin page layouts

What is the maximum number of characters limit of formula field?

3600 characters

Which type of fields can't support to be used in formula field?

Long text area, encrypted or description fields can't used in formula fields

What is the difference between ISPICKVALUE and INCLUDES?



What is the difference between ISBLANK() and ISNULL()?

ISNULL - It work's only for number data type fields. If we don't populate with the value for number fields it will return true.

it won't be supported Text fields, because it will never become null.

ISBLANK - IT supports both Null and Text data types

What are the return types for formula fields?

check box







What will be the return type of formula field when we have to find the difference between two dates? Ex: date of joining minus today?


can we run validation rules only for new records and not while updating the records?

Yes we can use ISNEW()

Which pick lists are not available for record types?

opportunity stage

case status 

solution status

lead status

What is Formula field?

A read only field that derives it's value from a formula expression you define. The formula field is updated when any of the source filed change

What is validation rule?

to apply custom validations we can build validation rules. It will fire when the defined criteria matches upon insert record and update and delete

Different ways to make a field read only?

FLS(Field Level Security)

Page layout

Validation rule


Which is the latest field you have worked in SF?

Time is the latest field in Salesforce. 

What can make fields invisible or read-only?


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